navarro by the sea center

Rehabilitation of the Navarro-by-the-Sea Hotel
History 1997-2003


The full Historic Structure Report was completed by Carey and Co. of San Francisco for the California Department of Parks and Recreation. New discoveries concerned an original, outside stairway on the east side; only a single front door on the west side of the front for the ca. 1865 building. Interior bathrooms, change to the interior stairs and addition of the front porch, all date to ca. 1920-30 (probably after 1922 when the Inn was sold outside of the family).


April 2: Initial architectural report with measured drawings was successfully completed by Avila and Tom, Architects, of Oakland for Captain Fletcher’s Inn, ca. 1865, Navarro-by-the-Sea. The report was funded by a matching grant to NSCR from the California Endowed Fund of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. The report paved the way for the larger Historic Structure Report required prior to rehabilitation.

October 14. Dedication of the temporary metal roof, historic signboard and preliminary architectural report.

roof deication
State Senator Wesley Chesbro, Clinton Smith (NSCR), Ric Morrisson (Chanties), Hillary Adams (CFS),
County Supervisor David Colfax (speaking)

The dedication event was co-sponsored by the California Department of Parks and Recreation (Supt. Greg Picard), the Navarro-by-the-Sea Center for Riparian and Estuarine Research (President: Clinton Smith), and The Charles Fletcher Society (Chairperson Hillary Adams). Honored guests: Senator Wesley Chesbro and Mendocino County Supervisor David Colfax. The Parks Dept. provided the housing design for the signboard. Historic photographs and research was supplied by The Charles Fletcher Society. The photocopy display was to be temporary. State Budget cuts of 2002 curtailed plans for a more permanent signboard. See 2004


  1. March: The Navarro-by-the-Sea Center for Riparian and Estuarine Research received a matching grant from California Endowed Fund for Historic Preservation of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, for a preliminary architectural report and planning document for Capt. Fletcher’s Inn. Historical material was supplied by Dr. Hillary Adams and The Charles Fletcher Society.

  2. December: A temporary metal roof was placed on the building by the California Dept. of Parks and Recreation, with the aid of a grant from the North Greenwood Community Assn.


October 29: Capt. Fletcher’s Inn was designated a project of the Save America’s Treasures Program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. The building was nominated by the North Greenwood Community Assn. (President: Hillary Adams). The nomination opened the way for preservation grants.

navarro bt the sea before restoration